Your Case is on Hold

We have decided to hold your case in abeyance as we develop further evidence. This means that we have not formally accepted you as a client and neither have we formally denied you as a client. There are a number of reasons why we would make this decision. They include:

  1. We need medical records from military service and/or thereafter;
  2. You have a current matter pending with the VA;
  3. Your case lack sufficient evidence to yield a result to you which means you may need our ongoing medical coaching services;
  4. You are still active-duty and are not eligible to submit a claim at this current time;
  5. You reside OCONUS and submitting your claim at this time will possibly do you a disservice;
  6. We have not received information from you needed to advance your claim i.e. retainer payment, signed agreement, and/or completed intake form.

These reasons are typical but could include other factors as well. Have questions? Use the link below to speak with technical support.

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