124 Veterans Guide to VA Benefits 1. Veterans Benefits 1.1. Introduction1.2. Overview of the Veterans Benefits System 2. VA Benefits- Legal Bases for Benefits 2.1. Introduction to Legal Bases2.2. Sources of Authority2.3. Due Process2.4. Right to be Heard2.5. Compliance with VA Procedures
77 Veterans Guide to VA Healthcare 1. Who's Eligible for VA Healthcare? 1.1. Basic Eligibility1.2. Enrollment Priority Groups1.3. Catastrophically Disabled Veterans1.4. Enhanced Health Care for Combat Veterans 2. What Healthcare Services Does the VA Provide? 2.1. Overview of the VA Medical Benefits Package2.2. VA’s Specialized Care Units2.3. Polytrauma Care2.4. Transplant Centers2.5. Dental Services2.6. Pharmacy Services2.7. Medical Equipment, Aids and Prosthetics2.8. Coordinated Care for Traveling Veterans2.9. Tobacco Use
33 Veterans Guide to VA Claim Filing 1. What's a VA Claim? 1.1. Elements of a Claim1.2. Informal Claims1.3. Inferred Claims 2. Obtaining a Decision 2.1. Obtaining a Decision
33 Veterans Employment and Education 1. Creating Your Path to Employment 1.1. Introduction and Objectives1.2. Define Employment1.3. Six Steps to Success1.4. Federal Employment: Veteran’s Preference and Initiatives1.5. Private Industry1.6. Self-Employment1.7. How to Start a Veteran Owned Business1.8. Volunteering and Internships1.9. Using the Resources That Exist to Help You 2. Choosing School as a Path to Employment 2.1. Introduction and Objectives2.2. Research… Research… Research2.3. Be an Informed Consumer: Spend Your GI Bill Benefits Wisely2.4. Assess Your Needs as a Veteran and as a Student with a Disability2.5. Visit and Ask Questions2.6. Guiding Questions for Section 22.7. Resources for Section 2
29 VA Commonly Used Forms 1. VA Compensation and Pension Forms 1.1. VA Form 9 – Appeal to Board of Veterans Appeals1.2. VA Form 10182- Decision Review Request: Board Appeal1.3. VA Form- 20-0995- Supplemental Claim1.4. VA Forn 20-0996- Higher Level Review1.5. VA Form 20-10206- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act Request1.6. VA Form 20-10207- Priority Processing Request1.7. VA Form 20-10208- Document Evidence Submission1.8. VA Form 21-526EZ- Application for Disability Compensation Benefits1.9. VA Form 21-526c- Pre-Discharge Compensation Claim1.10. VA Form 21P-527EZ – Application for Pension 2. Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), formerly called VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Forms 2.1. VA Form 22-1990- Application for VA Education Benefits2.2. VA Form 22-5490 – Dependent’s Application for VA Education Benefits2.3. VA Form 28-1900 – Disabled Veterans Application for Veteran Readiness and Employment2.4. VA Form 28-10212- Chapter 31 Request for Assistance
59 VA Spinal Cord Injury System 1. SCI/D System Overview 1.1. Purpose, Background and Authority1.2. Scope1.3. National SCI/D System of Care 2. System Responsibilities 2.1. Under Secretary for Health2.2. Chief Consultant, SCI/D Services2.3. Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Director
189 VA Prosthetics 1. VA Handbook 1173.1 - Prosthetics Eligibility 1.1. Purpose1.2. Eligibility1.3. Definitions1.4. Prosthetics Services Authorized1.5. Responsibility for Rendering Services1.6. VHA Headquarters Organziation and Responsibility1.7. Prosthetic Funding Management1.8. Prosthetic Reports1.9. Basic Records and Forms 2. VA Handbook 1173.2 - Furnishing Prosthetic Appliances and Services 2.1. Purpose2.2. Furnishing Appliances2.3. Stock Procurement2.4. Repairs to Appliances2.5. Loan of Appliances2.6. VA Prosthetics and Orthotic Laboratories2.7. VA Restoration Clinics2.8. VA Denver Distribution Center (DDC)2.9. Direct Purchasing by Prosthetic Activities Under COCP2.10. Prothetic Treatment Centers